Coronam Vitae vs. Corona Virus (Devotion #10)

Coronam Vitae vs. Corona Virus (Devotion #10)


“Why does God even care?”

Psalm 8:4-5 “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.”

Let’s put things in “perspective”. That word means how you are “seeing” or “looking” at something (from the same Latin root whence we get spectacles). So let’s examine how we’re seeing or looking at this time of coronavirus. Are we looking at it the right way? Do we have on the right spectacles?

Psalm 8 takes a perspective from the highest heavens and asks, “Who are we that God would even care about us at all?” He’s taking care of galaxies and planets and sun and moon and stars. He’s ruling over all the kingdoms and kings of the world. Does He really have time to be concerned about some nobodies in central Illinois? Does He really have time to concern Himself with one virus and its effects when He already deals with the 150,000+ deaths that happen every day in the world?

Yet the answer from God’s Word is a resounding “YES”. Even though we and our trials may seem infinitesimally small in the great scheme of time and space, God has “crowned us with glory and honor”. He has cared so deeply for you that He gave His best and precious gift—His very Son. You are in the palm of His hands. Your hairs are numbered. Your days are numbered. Your sins are not numbered but cancelled. And your eternal life is guaranteed.

Why does God even care about me at all? Good question. But He does! Jesus is the proof. He cares deeply. And He cares about your suffering during this time. Put all of it in perspective. God knows and He cares. And nothing, even coronavirus, can separate you from His love in Jesus Christ (Romans 8).

Through Jesus’ blood and merit
    I am at peace with God.
What, then, can daunt my spirit,
    However dark my road?
My courage shall not fail me,
    For God is on my side;
Though hell itself assail me,
    Its rage I may deride.

There’s nothing that can sever
    From this great love of God;
No want, no pain whatever,
    No famine, peril, flood.
Though thousand foes surround me,
    For slaughter mark His sheep,
They never shall confound me,
    The vict’ry I shall reap.

Prayer: Lord, what is man that you are mindful of him? Yet You have crowned us with glory and honor in Jesus Christ our Savior! Give us faith to see our lives and cares in the light of Your never-failing compassion, mercy, and love. Today we especially ask You to bless all schools, teachers, and students during this unique time of distance learning; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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