Trinity 5 The Sunday of the Miraculous Catch of Fish July 16, 2017

Trinity 5 The Sunday of the Miraculous Catch of Fish July 16, 2017

Trinity 5
Luke 5:1-11
July 16, 2017

“It’s not by Wise Thinking or Powerful Doing—Listen to the Low Whisper”

No full text of the sermon available.

Sermon Questions to Consider:

  1. Why was Elijah complaining to God? What was he angry about?
  2. How are you tempted to make the Christian faith all about your wisdom?
  3. How are you tempted to make the Christian faith all about your experience [of God’s power]?
  4. In the great catch of fish, Peter saw both great wisdom and great power—but what did that do?
  5. What was it that drew Peter to Jesus?
  6. Paul says in the Epistle that we all want wisdom and power—but where is the wisdom and power of God found?
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